Selasa, 26 April 2016


1. apa yang dimaksud dengan toefl!

> Test of English as a Foreign Language: a test that evaluates the ability of an ability of an individual to use and understand English in an academic setting (Dictionary Cambridge)

2. macam-macam toefl!

a. Paper-based TOEFL (PBT) : It has three parts-listening comprehension, reading comprehension and grammar. Answer had to be marked with a pencil

b. Computer based TOEFL (CBT) : The computer based TOEFL test was introduced in 1998. The maximum points you can score in the TOEFL CBT is 300. The TOEFL CBT has four sections-listening,  grammar, reading and writing. The listening comprehension and grammar tests are adaptive. That means the kind of questions you get depends upon your level of English. You will know your TOEFL CBT score instantly. Official results are available in 14 days.

c. Internet based TOEFL (IBT) : The Internet based TOEFL was introduced in 2005. It has four sections-listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The speaking test is not included in the paper based and computer based TOEFL

3. Subject-Verb Agreement refers to the relationship between the verb and its subject. Every Clause or sentence must agree in number and person with its subject. Verb must be singular if its subject is singular; verb must be plural if its subject is plural.

4.       Example :
1. I go to the school by bus everyday 
 subjek = i
 verb = school
objek = bus
2. She goes to the school by bus everyday.
subjek = she
verb = school
objek = bus
3. The mouse eats the cake on the table.
subjek = the mouse
verb = eats the cake
objek = on the table
4. The mice drink the juice on the table.
subjek = the mice
verb = drink the juice
objek = on the table
5. The children are playing football
subjek = children
verb = playing
objek =football
(Dictionary Cambridge)


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